Beasts & Behemoths: A Young Adventurer s Guide

Příručka Dungeons & Dragons: Beasts & Behemoths - A Young Adventurer s Guid obsahuje řadu bohatě ilustrovaných příšer, potvor a mnoho dalších užitečných informací. Kniha v anglickém jazyce. This illustrated guide transports new players to the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons and presents a one-of-a-kind course on the unusual creatures, from the minuscule to the massive, that fill the fantastic world of the game. This guide features easy-to-follow and entertaining explanations of where to find each beast, their strange abilities and magical powers, and how to defeat them, along with amazing illustrations that will ignite your imagination. Organized by size from small to large, bigger and more dangerous monsters are introduced with every turn of the page. Beasts & Behemoths is a perfect way for new players and young fantasy fans to learn about the monsters an adventuring party can meet, with profiles full of example encounters and storytelling tips that encourage creative problem-solving skills when battling beastly foes.
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