1 319 Kč
Přejít do obchodu
Výkon motoru (max.): 100 W, Tloušťka řezu (mm): 0-17
Slovinská kvalita
Jsem hrdý na to, že jsem Slovinec
Kráječ potravin je vyvinut, navržen a vyroben ve Slovinsku. Je vyroben kompletně z materiálů bez BPA.
Designed with your safety in mind
Safety first
The slicer features a safety system for simple and safe slicing. To operate it, use safety button first and then on button. When the appliance is not in use, turn the thickness setting knob to "0" which is the safe position.
Nastavitelná tloušťka řezu
Od delikátně tenkých po silné plátky
Rychle a jednoduše krájejte maso, chléb, ovoce a zeleninu. Pomocí knoflíku nastavte vzdálenost nože nebo tloušťku plátku mezi 0 a 17 milimetry. Vysoce kvalitní čepel Solingen zajišťuje hladké a přesné krájení.
Save Your Money
Buy in bulk
By buying larger chunks or in bulk, you will save money, yet you will always be ready to serve perfectly sliced cheese, meat produce, bread, vegetables or fruit. You can also buy fresh meat in larger chunks and slice the steaks of desired thickness yourself.
Simple Care and Storage
Always ready
The slicer will save you a lot of time with basic kitchen tasks. At the same time, it is easy to disassemble and reassemble. After use, wash the parts in lukewarm water or wipe the appliance with a soft cloth. It's compact size ensures easy storage in every kitchen.
Slovinská kvalita
Jsem hrdý na to, že jsem Slovinec
Kráječ potravin je vyvinut, navržen a vyroben ve Slovinsku. Je vyroben kompletně z materiálů bez BPA.
Designed with your safety in mind
Safety first
The slicer features a safety system for simple and safe slicing. To operate it, use safety button first and then on button. When the appliance is not in use, turn the thickness setting knob to "0" which is the safe position.
Nastavitelná tloušťka řezu
Od delikátně tenkých po silné plátky
Rychle a jednoduše krájejte maso, chléb, ovoce a zeleninu. Pomocí knoflíku nastavte vzdálenost nože nebo tloušťku plátku mezi 0 a 17 milimetry. Vysoce kvalitní čepel Solingen zajišťuje hladké a přesné krájení.
Save Your Money
Buy in bulk
By buying larger chunks or in bulk, you will save money, yet you will always be ready to serve perfectly sliced cheese, meat produce, bread, vegetables or fruit. You can also buy fresh meat in larger chunks and slice the steaks of desired thickness yourself.
Simple Care and Storage
Always ready
The slicer will save you a lot of time with basic kitchen tasks. At the same time, it is easy to disassemble and reassemble. After use, wash the parts in lukewarm water or wipe the appliance with a soft cloth. It's compact size ensures easy storage in every kitchen.
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