Starodumov Yevgeny: Guitar Recital - Instrumental - CD

Hudební CD Starodumov Yevgeny: Guitar Recital - Instrumental - CD:Yevgeny Starodumov hraje na klasickou kytaru.
Seznam stop
Johan Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Sonata No. 1 for Violin, Arragement for Guitar
Adagio / Allegro / Siciliano / Presto
KHANDOSHKIN, Ivan Yevstaphyevich (1747-1804)
Sonata No. 1, Opus 3 for Violin, Arrangement for Guitar / Marcia maestoso / Allegro assai / Andante con variazioni
VYSOTSKY, Mikhail Timofeevich Vysotsky (1791-1837)
Variations for guitar on the theme of the Russian folk song „The Spinner”
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