The Griffon s Saddlebag: Vol. 5

Sada The Griffon s Saddlebag: Vol. 5 obsahuje 50 karet magických předmětů pro hry na hrdiny DnD (5. edice). Každá karta má z přední strany obrázek, z opačné strany se pak nacházejí referenční informace. Sada je v angličtině. Common: Gravity Goblet Permanent Parchment Shapeshifter’s Circlet Weapon of Showmanship Uncommon: Axe Beak Tomahawk Battlement Bow Clockwork Inkbeetle Coil Crook Doomsday Cookie Festerwood Logger Fireweaver Gloves Funeral Marchers Ironleaf Oaken Shield Locksmith’s Bane Prismatic Javelin Ring of the Sandskimmer Scholar’s Cap Sea Serpent Hairpin Trident of the Dryad Rare: Belt of the Raid Leader Dragonkin Weapons Dragon Turtle Shield Ferryman’s Take Festerwood Vizard Gibberbox Killskull Longbow of Dread Scholar’s Capv Shadowshawl Sharkrazor Mantle Sheer Cold Staff of the Magpie Starmetal Striker Storm Sickle Knight’s Standard of Vigor Master Machinist’s Marvelous Mallet Retaliating Bloom Shield Voltedgev Weapon of Mooring Very Rare: Battlechef’s Splendid Saucepan Bloodmage Dagger Boots of Dendallen Grip of Dendallen Hellfire Pitchfork Infernal Aegis Mask of Dendallen Null Chalk Scholar’s Cap Stalaga Spear Tempest Griffon Feather Cape Legendary: Mastery Gem Pike of the Forgotten Legion Seed of Rebirth
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